James H. Wilson

Hi, I'm James Wilson, Certified Human Design Specialist & Entrepreneur Strategist

I'm here to guide entrepreneurs to integrate their life & soul purpose into a successful business using The Human Design Entrepreneurs 90-Day Self-Exploration RoadMap.


Education / Certifications

  • M.S. Information Technology

  • B.S. Atmospheric Physics and Meteorology

  • B.A. Consciousness and Human Potential

  • Certified Human Design Specialist, Quantum Alignment System

  • Transcendental Meditation Teacher Certification

  • Noncommissioned Officer Leadership Training Academy, United States Air Force

  • Fellowship, Silicon Valley Business Development Academy

  • Life as the Teacher

Where I Started to Where I am

It requires a lot of soul searching to start your own business.

That's why I'm here to offer my guidance to you along the way.

I'm James Wilson, 1/3 Emotional Authority Projector RAX Unexpected 1.

I guide Human Design Entrepreneurs to integrate their Life and Soul Purpose into their business so they can be their own leader without the pressure of following someone else’s agenda by using The Human Design Entrepreneurs 90-Day Self-Exploration RoadMap.

In 2012, I discovered the Human Design system & my spiritual path began in my mid-20’s.

I became a teacher of Transcendental Meditation [TM] in 2014 and practiced the TM-Sidhi Programme and many other advanced TM programs and techniques, participating in several months long in-residence meditation retreats.

After my departure from the TM profession, I began the study of Human Design as a vehicle to guide people through their own conscious embodied awakening in what I call the field of mutuality.

In 2018, I experienced love & loss the led me to a series of awakenings experiences following a, "dark night of the soul," which eventually became my catalyst to deepen my trust in life.

It’s my great pleasure to see people experience life as themselves & to implement their passions in ways that uplift and enliven their personal evolution.

I have a Master’s Degree in Information Technology [IT], and two Bachelor’s Degrees in Consciousness and Human Potential & Atmospheric Physics and Meteorology. I worked for ten years in the private & public sectors in the areas of military intelligence, NASA, leadership studies, non-profit fundraising, Silicon Valley tech start-ups, and organizational development.

I grew up in the Pacific Northwest and later lived/traveled all throughout Europe & Asia. Eventually, I settled in a small community in SE Iowa with my four year old son who is a 4/6 Emotional Authority Manifesting Generator.

I envision a world based on love, honesty, integrity, individual freedom, and taking care of one another.

Read about my background and work with Human Design

[For personal & individualized guidance]

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Contact Me

+ 1 (312) 598-1623

820 South Riverside Drive #1014

Iowa City, IA 52246

Copyright 2023 James Wilson Alliance LLC All rights reserved